Visual Acoustics


Narrated by Dustin Hoffman, Visual Acoustics celebrates the life and career of Julius Shulman, the world’s greatest architectural photographer, whose images brought modern architecture to the American mainstream. Shulman captured the works of nearly every major modern and progressive architect including Frank Lloyd Wright, Richard Neutra, John Lautner, and Frank Gehry. This unique film is both a testament to the evolution of modern architecture and a joyful portrait of the magnetic, whip-smart gentleman who chronicled it with his unforgettable images.


Edition: Singapore 2010
Director: Eric Bricker
Subject: Photography
Language: English
Runtime: 83 mins
Screening: Asia Premiere

A Design Film Festival

A film festival on design and its subculture, founded and produced by creative lab, Anonymous.

Milton Glaser: To Inform and Delight